Details of Detail: Joints and Lighting Design

Designers: Che-Kuang Chuang,
Type: Joint Design, Lighting Design
Material: Wood & painted Plastic, Concrete
Design Period: 2018,9

In this project designer tried to re-imagine the possibility of architectural joints not just for functional purposes, but to show the true beauty of joints through representing the loading of forces between members.
Designer Che-Kuang Chuang captured the force distributions of the wooden menbers and  transformed them into the geometry of  joints. In one hand these forms strethen the structural behavior of the connected parts of wooden members, in the other hand it shows the beauty of the details in a architectural way rather then a decorative way. Each joint of the lighting shows the loading of wooden members and are the containers for the electronic system. 
In the end this design has become a new declaration for the definition of detail design- not just a connected part, but the key visual character for the entire project.