The 2024 Structural Parallax Series draws on the artist’s personal experiences to examine opposing yet interconnected roles, such as student and teacher, employee and employer, citizen and government. This exploration constructs diverse perspectives. The Democratic Parallax unfolds across three levels: flat artworks symbolize singular views; dual-channel videos juxtapose contrasts; and VR 360-degree pieces immerse viewers in distinct roles. All visual narratives exclude human figures, using spaces, installations, and monologues for first-person storytelling.
Central to the project is a telescope-like installation of ballot boxes. One end features a voter waving flags, while the other holds a chair symbolizing power. Between them, stacked ballot boxes layered with media filters represent information’s role in shaping elections. Surrounded by screens and election banners, the work questions democracy’s mechanisms: Are candidates authentic individuals or media constructs? Is public opinion genuine or shaped by media trends?
Through this dual-perspective telescope, the artist highlights parallels and contrasts between voters and candidates, suggesting both may simply play assigned roles in the theater of elections. Combining static images, dynamic videos, and immersive spatial structures, the work transcends the binary of voter and candidate, offering a broader perspective.
2024結構視差系列創作計畫是藝術家透過自身的人生參照,試圖模擬學生到教師、員工到雇主、人民至政府等看似對立的角色視角,以此創作不同的觀點。在民主視差裡,敘事結構被分為三個層面:平面作品代表了單一觀看;雙頻道影像作品,呈現了對照視角; VR 360作品則呈現了各自腳角色的觀點。所有的影像刻意去除了人物角色,純粹以空間、裝置與自白呈現第一人稱的敘事。
藝術家設計了一個由無數投票箱所組成的望遠鏡裝置:一端坐著不斷搖旗吶喊的民眾;而層層疊疊的投票箱內部則是由新聞、社群所組成的濾鏡,最終通向望遠鏡的另一端- 一張象徵當選後權力的椅子。裝置周遭則被無數的螢幕以及選舉旗幟所包圍,意味著資訊對選舉的影響。
作品透過空間結構與運鏡,試圖對民選的機制提出質疑: 人民所認識的候選人,究竟是媒體前的假象,還是真實的人格? 候選人以為的民意,究竟是真實的社會反應,或也僅是媒體的風向? 透過這個雙向互望的投票箱望遠鏡,藝術家試圖表現出腳色在選舉機制中的相同與相異點: 或許雙方都僅是在這場選舉遊戲裡扮演好被分配腳色而已。透過平面的視角、動態的影像與空間的呈現,最後呈現超越兩者的觀點。
<Graphic Design & 3d Rendering>
Film poster design of the project.
<Videos & VR Experience>
Please turn on the full-screen size mode and 4K resolution to get best experience.
Project Introduction / 作品影片說明Contrast Perspective of candidates and voters( Dual Channel) / 對比視角
Integration Perspective of candidates and voters( VR 360) / 整合視角
<Exhibition Site>
Exhibition in New Taipei Gallery.
<Video Script>
English & Chinese Script for reference.
- "I solemnly swear, with utmost sincerity, to abide by the Constitution, to be loyal to the nation, to represent the people in exercising power according to the law, to refrain from corruption or abuse of power, to seek no personal gain, to accept no bribes, and to not interfere with the judiciary. Should I violate this oath, I am willing to accept the harshest punishment. This I solemnly swear."
- 余誓以至誠,恪遵憲法,效忠國家,代表人民依法行使職權,不徇私舞弊,不營求私利,不受授賄賂,不干涉司法。如違誓言,願受最嚴厲之制裁,謹誓。
- I wave flags, shout slogans, and do my best to play my part in this grand spectacle held every four years.
- 我搖旗吶喊 振臂高呼 盡力的 扮演在這四年一度大Show裡的腳色
- I believe that I am the master of this nation.
- 我相信 我是國家的主人
- They tell me I am the master of this nation.
- 他們說 我是國家的主人
- These are the rights bestowed upon us by a democratic and law-abiding society.
- 是這個民主社會、法治社會所賦予我們的權利
- But in truth, I do not know them.
- 但我其實不認識他們
- Through social media, the news, and various platforms
- 在社群上、媒體上、新聞上
- I believe that this vote is decisive, a vote that will change our fate. Maybe?
- I pick up my ballot, raise it high, and gently cast it.
- 我相信 這會是決定性的一票 改變命運的一票
- 我拿起我的選票 高高的舉起 並輕輕地放下
- Who, exactly, are we voting for? Are they truly the representatives of my will?
- 我們究竟投給了誰呢? 他就是我意志的代表嗎?
- And who are those who vote for me? What is the substance of their will?
- 究竟是那些人投給了我呢? 他們的意志又是甚麼東西呢?
- Perhaps, in this drama called "elections," I am merely playing the role of a so-called “senator."
- 或許 在這場名為大選的戲碼裡 我只是在扮演一個叫做"委員"的腳色而已。
- Perhaps, in this performance named "democracy," I am merely a character called "voter."
- 或許 在這場名為民主的戲碼裡 我只是在扮演一個叫做"選民"的腳色而已。
- Drifting aimlessly, surviving in this so-called free society, unable to escape.
- 庸庸碌碌的 生存在這名為自由的社會裡 難以自拔
- Stumbling forward, entangled in this democratic machine, unable to break free.
- 跌跌撞撞的 生存在這民主的機器之中 無法自拔