Space Frog Series

Comic Space Frog, the illustration which I used for addressing  the concept of my creation. In this chapter I'd like to discuss about how I think the definition of a good composition in 3d dimension.
關於我對建築、幾何創作的基礎:全相/向的幾何。一個好的造型物件,他的可看性與視角,是否有可能從一個維度拓展到另一個維度? 是否有可能提供不同的觀看方式? 這便是我對造型美學的基礎與起點。

This one was inspired by the Taiwan Urban Renewal Regulation. Based on this law, if people who live in the Urban renewal Zone, they won’t have freedom to rebuild their own house during the renewal procedure. If they wanna re-build their own house, it must be integrated with their neighbors and become one intact and huge site to be build. The logic is a little bit like disk format and defrag-it do keep the city functional and efficient, but also wiped out all the history connections and human scaled. In the end make the city become one giant monster.

我覺得臺灣都市更新條例其實有點像硬碟重組/格式化: 從劃定更新單元、禁限建、計劃概要、事業計劃等等,藉此將小而零碎的空間重新整合成符合都市機能的巨大共構體;然而與此同時亦抹去了城市裡個人私密空間的可能。為了要恢復都市機能、在資本主義與區分所有所產生遊戲,是台灣人自身慾望與居住權交互產生的共業。以此為題,畫了一篇以青蛙、機械貓與未來都市為背景的短篇連環畫。

A book-made library .
It's a space library which was build out of books and book shelf. These books and book shelf were strongly combined with the major structure and loaded most of the weight from the building and users. The books were specifically organized by the algorithm so it has become a complete knowledge system.
However while people kept borrowing the books out of the library, the structure of the building and knowledge system were continually disconstructed , and in the end completely disappeared in the universe.

圖書館的主結構由書架與書本構成,乘載大部分的重量,同時書本也透過精密的圖書管理法則成為一完善的知識系統。然而隨著書本不斷地被借出,這個結構/知識的系統也將不斷被拆解破壞: 最終建築失去其機能,知識系統失去意義,進而完全崩解消失於宇宙之中。