Meta World_Residence_Machine


作為一個由各式欲求交織組成的網路新世界,反映人類最基本需求的"住所"-這些新世代的“普里莫後人”(Primo 3M+),住的會是甚麼? One Drive、Google Drive、DropBox、區塊鍊....或許這些雲上之家成為了存載新人類非實體資產的所在。我將這些符號組成了這台空想機械,並由簡單的機械迴圈動畫,將議題還給觀眾。 The tool that allows you to "store" yourself in MetaWorld Where will people live in the Meta world? That's the question which the artist proposes. Maybe people don't need houses anymore,. Instead the cloud storage have become the new accommodation for cyber humans. Based on this argument, the artist composed these media symbols into this fantasy machine for people to live inside MetaWorld.