作為一個由各式欲求交織組成的網路新世界,反映人類最基本需求的"移動"-這些新世代的“普里莫後人”(Primo 3M+),會如何前行? QRCode、Hyperlink、5G....行動數據與高速網路加速了新人類資訊的吸收與成長,但也使思想變得更片面、零碎並極具消費性。我以CG工具打造了這台虛擬裝置,並以幾何形式與機械運作表現這些核心觀點: 透過幾何的分割與運動,讓米羅維納斯呈現一種破碎支離的樣貌,如同薄邱尼的動態雕塑的再現,以此表現一種永恆的變動性。整體機械地景以各種符號物件組成,實則為一個巨大的QRCode迷宮,以此表現在"速度" 中的困境;最終並轉化為簡單的機械迴圈動畫,將議題還給觀眾。
The tool allows you to connect and move around quickly, but you will lose something in the process.
How do people move in the meta world? That's the question which artist proposes. Maybe people don't need traditional transportation anymore, instead, the 5G internet, QRCode, hyperlink have become the portal for people to travel in Metaverse. Things move and change so fast, they become weighed more fragile and unilateral. Based on this argument, the artist composed these media symbols, including Futurism Venus and a moving QR code maze into this fantasy machine for people to move inside the MetaWorld.
Conceptual Art works of Che-Kuang Chuang. Model in Maya, Organized in Blender.